I Performance Guarantee

  • A Performance Guarantee or Performance Bond is only for new contract.
  • Margin of finance up to 80% of guaranteed amount.
  • Facility need to be tied up with factoring.

I Letter of Credit

  • To assist in purchasing finished or
    semi finished goods.
  • Applicable to local suppliers only.
  • Margin of finance – up to 80% of cost of goods

I Receivables Management Services

  • We manage your receivables and take over your responsibility of collecting your receivables and keeping track of it in systematic receivable report.

I Domestic Factoring

  • An advance payment up to 80% against the receivable purchased. The balance is held in a contingency reserved and refunded after the receivables have been collected.

I Term Loan

  • Term loans are a simple way to secure funds for working capital, asset acquisition, or asset redemption for business needs or projects/contracts.

  • The facility is repayable in equal monthly writing paper instalments for a maximum of
    5 years.

I Industrial Hire Purchase

  • We finance the acquisition of your capital assets. A financing margin of up to 90% of the asset’s cost.

  • Up to 48 months’ tenure

I Supply Chain Financing

  • Buyer-led solution for suppliers to receive early payment

  • Extended payment terms for buyer and improved cashflow for Suppliers

  • Easy integration with award-winning platform

I Export Factoring

  • Trade with your overseas importer on credit terms with secured payment through credit insurance

  • Advance payment up to 80% against your receivables and balance to be refunded after receivables have been collected

Frequently ask questions

The letter of financial support is used to obtain audit evidence for events which may give rise to business risks such as a net liability or net current liability position. A Letter of Financial Support can show a lender that they will be guaranteed that the loan will be repaid

It will take up to 2 to 3 weeks with complete documents.

  • The applicant’s clients do not have good commercial credit or those customers are not creditworthy
  • A factor will only advance money on invoices that are free of legal encumbrances, such as liens, back taxes, or judgements that are still pending.
  • The officers or managers of the applicant company may have a negative background.
  • The factoring company is not familiar or comfortable with the applicant’s industry.

Unfortunately, the adverse effect of having a bad credit score – between 300 to 650 (poor to low) according to CTOS – is extreme. Having a bad credit score could lead to your applications for loans or credit cards being rejected. 

The maximum funding are up to 80% against the receivables purchased. The balance is held in a contingency reserve and refunded after the receivables have been collected